On Saturday we went to Brendan O’Keefe’s spectacle frame factory in Highett. Brendan is the only wholesale spectacle frame maker in Victoria, crafting them from aluminium and then anodizing them himself. Brendan has been making frames for maybe 20 years or so now. Like me, Brendan started his career at Coles and Garrard in Bourke Street Melbourne as an optical mechanic. Many of of the machines and jigs in his factory were made by Brendan, who has a great mind and skill in engineering.
We’re very fond of Brendan here at Designed Eyes. He encapsulates the image of the individual craftsman, toiling away for hours in his cluttered workshop to produce magnificent pieces of what are masterpieces of artwork and engineering.
His frames are light, comfortable and are absolutely unique. And made in Melbourne!
Brendan O’Keefe in his factory using a hand mill to make sides Here’s Brendan inserting some joints into the sides of his frames. He designs all the components himself including the spring hinges!

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